Comics/Cartoon/Manga Art Camp

Barn 5400, 5400 Old Redwood Hwy, Suite C, Petaluma, CA 94951

Visual ArtsArts and Crafts

For The Love of Comics is dedicated to drawing, making comics, and building community with other people who also love comics (manga, anime, cartoons, animation and all other mediums for story telling via art).

While we will put professional comic-making tools into the participants hands, go over the fundamentals of story, lettering, penciling, inking, coloring and all of the comic-making arts...

The real gem of For The Love of Comics is that here we know about the Poop Monster.

Our first focus is - always - to prepare the artists to identify, ignore and overcome that voice of negativity and doubt and comparison and judgement: The Poop Monster.

Once that voice has been tamed, the creativity is unleashed, and the comics and ideas and art-making pour out.


FTLOC Cancellation Policy

Cancellations for camp or class sessions must be made 30 or more days before the session start date to be eligible for a refund.

4% of each transaction is non refundable.
Those monies are spent at time of purchase on processing fees and registration fees for the site.
I'm sorry about that, and I hope you understand.

Age / Grade LimitsFor The Love of Comics cannot make exceptions to the age/grade limits posted on the classes. These limits are placed in an effort to create the most comfortable, workable and collaborative environments possible in each class.
Device Policy

For The Love of Comics does not permit the use of tablets or phones by students in any of the under 14 classes. Students may have them, but they will not be used during sessions.

In the 14 and older sessions, tablets and phones will only be used at the direction of the instructor. At all other times they will remain out of sight and silent.

Scholarship PolicyLimited scholarships are available.

For The Love of Comics never wants money to be the obstacle between a child and experience with the arts.
If you are interested in a scholarship, please get in touch and you will receive additional information.

Email Gio: [email protected]


Barn 5400, 5400 Old Redwood Hwy, CA 94951
For The Love Of Comics For The Love Of Comics

For The Love of Comics is an art studio and publisher dedicated to making, teaching, reading, and sharing the love for comics. We offer a wide range of classes, camps, workshops and studio time for the youth of Sonoma County.

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