Camps and Classes for Kids in Petersburg, IL

Menard County Extension Office
Menard County Extension Office, Petersburg, IL 62675
Summer programs including various activities such as STEM, outdoors, and career exploration for youth.
Petersburg Athletic Association
Petersburg, IL 62675
Soccer camp for youth to build soccer skills and be part of the new co-op between PORTA and Athens High School.
Petersburg Little League
Petersburg, IL 47567
Baseball, softball, and tee ball programs for youth from ages 3 to 16, emphasizing sportsmanship, teamwork, and personal growth.
Lincoln's New Salem State Historic Site
Lincoln's New Salem State Historic Site, Petersburg, IL 62675
A summer day camp focusing on pioneer life, recreating the village where Abraham Lincoln lived in the 1830s.
Petersburg, IL 62675
Swim lessons for children grouped by age and ability, with a small teacher/swimmer ratio. Lessons are offered on Sundays.